Five Weaknesses of Corona Virus You Need to Know

Corona virus or Covid-19 which is spreading in a number of countries, apparently has a weakness.  This certainly can be used to prevent transmission, so the risk of becoming infected with the deadly virus can be minimized.

The spread of Covid-19 is classified very quickly and has not found the right drug or vaccine, so that not a few people are worried about the condition.  So far, scientists, researchers, and health workers have devised ways to prevent transmission through these weaknesses.

Following Admin arizes the five weaknesses of Corona or Covid-19 virus that need to be known.

1. Easy to die with soap

Since the Corona or Covid-19 virus is endemic in various parts of the world, all people are encouraged to wash their hands as often as possible.  Because, the virus can be destroyed and die if exposed to soap.

Corona virus itself consists of three parts composed of DNA or RNA as the core of the virus, the protein that is the raw material for the virus to multiply, and the fat layer as an outer protector.

The three sequences are actually not tightly bound to one another, so that when the fat layer is destroyed by soap, then the virus will also die.

Appeals for hand washing become a very effective way to prevent the spread of Covid-19.  So, the possibility of the virus moving from the hands and into the body will be reduced, thus minimizing the transmission of dangerous diseases.

Preventing the transmission of Corona virus, you should be diligent in washing your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds.  This must be done routinely so that the virus does not easily enter the body.

2. Can be Defeated with Antibodies

Covid-19 infections can occur in several stages, ranging from mild to severe.  Patients who have mild symptoms, the disease can heal by itself as long as the immune system is good.

A study conducted in Australia revealed that healthy antibodies were one of the weaknesses of the Corona virus.  The study looked at regularly antibody levels from the results of a 47-year-old Covid-19 patient with mild to moderate symptoms.

The patient's overall condition was healthy and did not have concomitant diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension, only one infection, Covid-19.  On days 7-9 since the symptoms of Covid-19 first appear in these patients, a number of antibodies begin to form in the body.

The condition is a sign, if the body is issuing various weapons to fight the deadly virus.  The patient's body gradually begins to improve a few days after the antibodies are formed.

However, further research is still needed on a larger scale to see patterns of handling antibodies to the Corona virus.  From these studies, people are reminded to always maintain endurance by living a healthy lifestyle.

3. Able to be killed with disinfectants

Corona virus consists of several types, such as those that cause SARS and MERS.  Currently the cause of Covid-19 is a new type of corona virus.

But so far, it is known that the Coronavirus family has quite similar characters.  Everything is considered weak, if you have to deal with disinfectants.

Based on research results, the Corona virus that causes SARS and MERS is able to survive on the surface of objects, such as glass, metal, and plastic for several days.  But so far there has been no research on the resistance of the virus that causes Covid-19 on the surface, but it is thought the results are not much different from the previous Corona virus type.

However, corona virus is considered to be helpless with disinfectants, such as alcohol with 60-70 percent levels, 0.1 percent sodium hypochlorite, or 0.5 percent hydrogen peroxide within one minute.

Preventing the transmission of the Corona virus, people are encouraged to clean the surface of objects that are often touched, such as door handles, tables, and mobile phones using disinfectant liquid.

4. Do not Last Long Surface

Although the Corona virus can survive several days on the surface, but over time the virus is no longer strong enough to cause infection.  Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) do not prohibit the sending of packages between countries, because the risk of transmission through the media of package delivery is very low.

5. Weakened in Hot Temperature

So far there has been no research that says the Corona virus that causes Covid-19 is weak to heat. But, the corona virus that causes SARS, has been shown to weaken at hot temperatures.  Based on data published by WHO, the virus that causes SARS can be killed at a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius.

The weakness of the Corona virus should be known by the public in order to make efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.  So it is hoped that everyone will have to fight this virus together and don't underestimate its spread


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