
How to Stop Loading a Website on Google Chrome

Ever accidentally clicked a link that moved the page to the new address? You can always come back to get the start page. However, is there a way to stop the website loading process in Google Chrome? Of course there is!  You can stop loading the website so that it doesn't take you to the new address that is being addressed. There are at least three methods you can try, one of which is the mobile version of Chrome (Android). 1 Stop loading the website by pressing the Esc key To stop loading websites quickly, you can immediately press the Esc key located in the upper left corner of the keyboard. Not just Chrome, this method also applies to Firefox and Edge. This method is the fastest because you only need to press one button. However, if the Esc key cannot be accessed or the computer has no keyboard, try the next method. 2 Click on the cross button in the browser When the website is loading, a cross button will appear in the upper left area of ​​the browser window. This method does se...

How to Do SEO Work on a New Website? | Learn SEO

The 10th session of question and answer group WA Learning SEO 2020 last Wednesday there was one participant who asked something like this: "If you want to create a new website, what are the good steps?  As much content production as possible before looking for backlinks or what? " Maybe this question is also your question so far. If true, consider the following explanation. preliminary First time learning SEO in 2012/2013 the most confusing thing in optimizing websites with SEO techniques is where to start. Especially at that time I learned self-taught, just reading the tutorials that were scattered on the internet. I learned various techniques and practiced directly. There are those who discuss SEO On Page, there are those who discuss SEO Offpage (backlink), because of my ignorance, eventually I tend to practice all the techniques that I have found. Some write about backlinks, directly practice backlinks Someone wrote the SEO script, I put the script on ...

Here are 9 ways to make extra money in fast time

If you feel your salary is mediocre, of course you want to find extra money so you can buy snacks or buy something outside of daily needs.  Including paying off your installments so that you are not being chased by debt collectors. Without the need to sacrifice savings, there are a number of ways you can do to get extra money in a short time. As quoted from Entrepreneurs, Friday (1/3/2020), these methods are fairly easy to do, but not too reliable to cover their daily needs.  Remember, this method applies only to additional money, not the main source of income. Before applying it, you must set your mindset to feel enough of whatever money is made.  When you think like that, then you can do everything in your power to get extra money. Here are ways that can be applied to get additional money in a relatively short time. 1. Become an online transportation partner Transportation companies like Grab and Go-Jek offer great opportunities to make money fast....

Five Weaknesses of Corona Virus You Need to Know

Corona virus or Covid-19 which is spreading in a number of countries, apparently has a weakness.  This certainly can be used to prevent transmission, so the risk of becoming infected with the deadly virus can be minimized. The spread of Covid-19 is classified very quickly and has not found the right drug or vaccine, so that not a few people are worried about the condition.  So far, scientists, researchers, and health workers have devised ways to prevent transmission through these weaknesses. Following Admin arizes the five weaknesses of Corona or Covid-19 virus that need to be known. 1. Easy to die with soap Since the Corona or Covid-19 virus is endemic in various parts of the world, all people are encouraged to wash their hands as often as possible.  Because, the virus can be destroyed and die if exposed to soap. Corona virus itself consists of three parts composed of DNA or RNA as the core of the virus, the protein that is the raw material for the virus t...

Interesting Facts Dinosaur Games (T-Rex Game) Offline on Google Chrome

If your internet connection is suddenly cut off when opening a website page in Google Chrome, a dinosaur game or T-Rex Game will appear that will keep the user entertained.  This simple game you can play when your internet connection does not exist.  This game was made with a background to remember the prehistoric times before the existence of wifi or internet connection where it is clear from Gabriel who is the creator of this Dinosaur game.  You can enjoy this game for Google Chrome users only. This game, which was made in September 2014, was originally only able to be used on old Android devices, but until now it can already be used on all user platforms. Here's an interesting fact hidden game dinosaur in chrome: T-rex eyes can blink, try to notice t-rex eyes. Pterodactyl will appear when points reach 650 and above. Squeaky sound will appear every time you reach multiples of 100. T-rex can bow, you know, try using the up and down button controls ...


Get Link Go to Link Whether you are a fresh graduate in their 20s, married in their 30s, or retired in their 50s, you tend to have two things in common with those in each of these age groups: You have people you love. You cannot predict the future. That's where life insurance comes in. Even though you cannot know for sure when or how your life will end, you are able to prepare for all these possibilities, while helping to protect the people you love. Having the right life insurance can give you peace of mind. Because, you are sure that the people you care about can have good financial support after you die. This is how life insurance can help you at all ages: Age 20s Why do you need life insurance when you enter your 20s. Indeed, you are still young and healthy. However, you may already have some serious financial responsibilities. When you enter college, you may have a loan to pay off immediately, you need to pay rent or boarding, or maybe you ...

4 ways to track the location of a mobile phone number easily

Get Link Go to Link If you want to know the location / position of a person's existence such as family members, friends, son and daughter or others without their knowledge? In this all-sophisticated era, now buddy can all easily track the whereabouts of others by using the mobile device that we have. Here are 4 ways you can choose to track the location of other people via mobile phone number: 1. Track location mobile number with Android App 2. Tracking mobile number locations through the site 3. Tracking mobile number location via message service (XL Only) 4. How to track the location of mobile number with Google Latitude (recomended) 4 ways to track the location of mobile phone number easily How to track the location of mobile phone number 1. Track Location Mobile Number With Android App If you want to know someone's position easily, you can use smartphone or Android based tab. The trick, you just pair android applications...